I am hosting and booking 2 new shows at Trash Pony Bar at the Root Hill Cafe in Brooklyn.

Sunday Stories: is a storytelling show on the first Sunday of each month. It is a themed show and each teller gets 10-12 minutes. Like The Moth, this is a place for true stories and tellings not readings.

Stories for Sunday Stories don’t have to be funny. They can be anything; happy, sad, funny with heart, traumatic, whatever. As long as they are on theme and true.

Themes are to be treated similarly to a suggestion in improv. I need to be able to hear in your story how the theme would have inspired this kind of story, but I don’t need to be beaten over the head with it.

I book about 5 tellers for each month and then we invite someone in the audience to tell a story on theme after intermission.


As-yet-untitled Comedy Show: which really isn’t titled yet, but we’re close, is a stand up show on the second Wednesday of each month.

The show is for stand-up comedy, character stand-up & monologues, and stories that are very funny. Segments of shows are welcome as long as they are pretty much solo and funny in their own right.

There is no monthly theme, so this is a great place to try stuff out.

Performers get between 5-20 minutes. Time allotted varies by experience and the kind of bit being done. (For example, a stand-up with lots of stand-up experience gets more time, not just because they are experienced, but because they are usually working on longer bits or transitions more than getting a few tight minutes together. Someone newer to stand up is more likely to be working on getting their few minutes together. If someone wants to try out a part of what they are planning on making a longer show, I will gladly work with them to make sure they have enough time to try out the bit accordingly.)

We might let people who show up give me their names and pick someone to do something there that night, but we’ll see how it goes.


To inquire about booking, you can email me at :


1 Comment

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  1. Jen

    Hey I heard your story while driving in Seattle. It was about meeting your brother. Oh my! I was crying by the end of it. It was so beautiful, sad, and inspiring at once. Thanks for sharing. Jen

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